What is Indie Maze?

1 min

IndieMaze is a newsletter from Anywhere Arc to share new learnings and insights on how to success as an indie hacker. It’s free to read and subscribe without any plan to charge for money at this point. Publication frequency is yet to be decided.

Why this, why now?

As the saying goes:

  • An idea is not a design
  • A design is not a product
  • A product is not a business
  • A business is not profitability

The road to indie hacking success is not linear, it’s a maze. There are a lot of blindspots you need to see and dead-ends you need to avoid.

Indie Maze aims to be a map to navigate through the indie hacking maze to help me and hopefully all the other indie hackers.

Who are we?

Anywhere Arc is a indie software studio run by two indie hackers.

We struggled a lot to get started. But luckily we made some progress. We have made Slippod, a privacy-first desktop note-taking app and TextPixie AI Translator.

Along the way, we have accumulated enough scar tissues and learning which we believe will benefit others. Why not share them and make some friends? Who knows what’s going to happen?

Hit the Subscribe button below if you are interested to hear more from us.